miercuri, 15 februarie 2012

Love is not a commodity

Si acum ca a trecut, (in sfarsit!) si ziua de ieri:

Why Love Matters More (And Less) Than You Think

Articolul asta este ca o cafea fierbinte intr-o dimineata nedormita:

"But love is not a commodity. Love is the messiest, most singular, least interchangeable, and most transformative idea our species has yet invented."

"Despite our attempts to trivialize it, commercialize it, and strip-mine it of meaning, love is still dangerously, incandescently meaningful. While we may try to reduce it to a mass-made quasi-luxury we purchase on credit once a year, obediently, in the form of chocolates, flowers, and dinners, it remains vital."

4 comentarii:

  1. Dragostea dureaza trei ani
    Frederic Beigbeder

  2. "None of us belong here. But we are here. And there's not enough time. Cut the bullshit. Love."

    filosofie redusa la "instinct ... basic"


  3. it is a commodity!

    you won't buy this isn't it? :)
